falcon performance handbook

  1. R

    All Small Six Book(s) questions

    curious about these two books? do I need both is one better than the other? How to Restore Your Mustang 1964 1/2-1973How to Restore Your Mustang 1964 1/2-1973 by Frank Bohanan Mustang Restoration Handbook Mustang Restoration Handbook by Don Taylor
  2. R

    Should I buy one over the other or do I need both for some reason?

    curious about these two books? do I need both is one better than the other? Also does anyone have a pdf or physical copy of Falcon Performance Handbook I could have? find How to Restore Your Mustang 1964 1/2-1973How to Restore Your Mustang 1964 1/2-1973 by Frank Bohanan Mustang...
  3. Small Six Cylinder Head Swaps

    Small Six Cylinder Head Swaps

    Original Source: https://ciarchive.fordsix.com/HeadSwap.html First, let start by saying that all 144, 170, 200, & 250ci heads are interchangeable.... and while the valve size, chamber size (cc's), and intake/port volumes (cc's) changed over the years, all of the small six cylinder heads will...