eBay Billet Serpentine System


Supporter 2023
Supporter 2022
Nice to know the aftermarket is really expanding for our old engines. It's a lot of money but I guess the price is right considering what it comes with. Makes me glad I've been saving a spare block now that all these new parts coming available.
Is the Ebay address pic photoshopped? I'm only asking because there is no thermostat and it doesn't look like a lot of space to install one
Ive replaced my alternator, the water pump the tensioner, the idler and tried several belts of several different brand, several different tensioners, with and without the AC. for the life of me I can't figure out why mine is so problematic but others report no issues . its not dirty or greasy,
ive been wondering if replacing the fan or the crankshaft dampener would make any difference.

I did at one point find I had a drip from my brake reservoir, not the reservoir but there is a equalization valve near it. but I did correct that and replaced the belt a few more tiems since and problems continued. in the van its not above the belt but near enough maybe it could migrate..
if the battery isn't fully charged then maybe it slips due to the high load..

it such a high pitched sound it is difficult to locate directionally.

one of the newer tensioners I bought had such a shallow head any wreh I had would slip off,,, It is used to release the belt so I welded a big nut to the head.. Ill try it again.

its a bit hard to tell if the belt is bottoming because the ribs or grooves are worn. . I wonder if there is a gauge or something to check that profile.

it relies on the tensioner spring and I don't think the tensioner should really flutter much that's probably a sign of a bad joint. I think the belt is joined somewhere before it is ground to its profile.

I tried applying constant pressure by locking the position of the tensioner..

belt dressing did nothing, I've tried spraying alcohol and stuff on it too and cleaning the pulley grooves with sandpaper.

the fan is driven by the belt's smooth side. I find it hard to tell if that's where it is squealing..

i think if it sets off and does that loud squealing for a few minutes the belt is basically done..

although its expensive just seeing a mod is cool.

I was wondering if two tensioners could help , if I could decide exatly where the slippage is maybe it can be reduced wiht an idler to make it wrap that pulley more.

if I go from AC to no AC it uses a different path and different length belt ,, but I have the same issue..

last time I had success I'd popped on a fresh AC-delco belt and it seemed better, anfd that stuck for about 6 months , no issues..

I've tried a few of the more expensive "greenback" ones, no difference, still squeals. checked alignment it seems spot on nothing running crooked.

i assume the mod may be what you'd want if it's a racer, I'm not out to spend 2 K.. Its a lot.

i wondered what violin rosin might do? woud that make it grip?

its a pattern of resonation the belt is vibrating at a very high frequency and it is slipping, I believe intermittently, at a very high frequency, I believe that's what generates the irritating sound. sometimes I can knock it out of this resonation pattern by punching the gas a little and then driving very gently.

I hik problems are worse when cold as rubber is harder and less grippy when cold.
Meanwhile there are MANY L6's with no issues, so why me? what the heck did I do LOL ;-) ?

anyone ever reject a pulley because they felt the grooves are worn out?

I have a lathe and considered trying to cut the grooves deeper,, or to try to resurface the water pump drive pulley maybe.. it looks a bit finicky though , trying to follow that profile. maybe I should find used pulleys, maybe mine just got worn from the squealing and now it can't grip quite as it should, despite new belts.