Pics posting options?


I have hundreds of Ford six pics I use for reference on the formerly 'free' photohosting site 'Photobucket' . Users of the site have found recent changes make it no longer possible to use with the multitude of popups and re-directs causing loading freezes effectively stopping any actual use.

Any other (free) photo hosting sites or options available for similar use?. I am somewhat savvy with the internet but like most, can't keep up with the changes of 'free' services to subscription pay sites on the web.

There are several sites you could use other very popular options are imgur, flickr, and imageshack all of these are free and do require a normal sign up to use their services.

Good Luck!
good luck.
I've used ur pic a great deal over the yrs, hope you (I, we) don't loose that ability!

* Wonder if Perry (our web master) would be interested (a g r e a t deal of wrk, I'd imagine) in
having the site host a pic archive?
* Wonder if there were some way to assist him (it to happen).
* Wonder if our membership has any interest in forwarding pic?


I have used imageshack in the past, but they have started charging. I'm trying to use google photos now. But only seems to work through links. Not directly inserting the picture
google is OK - just don't forget to hit the back arrow rather than the lill X in ur tab.
If U do it means U have to go back to the mail site, ur in box, etc., etc.

"pic in the post" avoid both of these routes.
Even w/an option like my last post - a bit of clicking around would be needed.
(I offered it as an option in the event NO pic were available thru any other means,
and to archive them here into perpetuity)