My Falcon XY has a 2.3L Toyota "2M" straight 6 eng

Hi there,
I have recently discovered that the engine in my Falcon is not what I had expected. Turns out after a lot of internet based research that it is a "2M" series Toyota 2.3L I6.
This engine claims to deliver 109 bhp NET.

How does that compare to the original 200ci or 250ci ford I6?

Also.... I would like to know what OTHER higher powered engines would go into this Falcon XY body with minimal modifications.

Any ideas? Please help. I do not want to be stuck with this old 2M Toyota.

Wonder whether the gearbox/clutch is toyota too. guess it must be. kind of lucky that the prop mates with the gearbox?????

I've just acquired this car and am having to learn all about it.