250 in a '46 studebaker pickup

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howdy, how's it goin'? i was curious what anyone thinks about my "project". it's a '46 stude M5 with plans for the 250 6 cyl (w/auto) from my '78 granada. the car had 38,000 original miles. should i rebuild the 6 B4 swapping to the truck? it ran good but was "parked" for several years. what mods 4 street use (maybe a light load once in a while). i've checked out Cliffords. thanx 4 any input. :D
With only 38000 miles the engine should be in good shape, but late 70's 250s have low hp ratings.

I would do a compression check on it. If that checks out, add a 260 Comp or 264 Isky cam and lifters, a YF or RBS carb, and a set of headers. You already have electronic ignition. Those mods should be worth 45-50 hp over the factory ratings while still being very docile and easy to live with.
8) sounds like a good project. the only change i might make to jack's suggestion would be a webber 2bbl carb.
thanx for the input. i really would prefer the 2 bbl carb, just because i don't like the performance of the 1 bbl on the 300 in my dually. is there any advantage over a Weber or a Holley? i can rebuild a holley 2 bbl blindfolded, so i'd like to use the Holley. also , can you explain the YF & RBS abbreviations? how do the 6's sound with the turbo style mufflers?
8) for the small six i think i would prefer the weber carb, but the 2300 holley would be a good one to use in your application.
the six with turbo mufflers..... i personally like the sound. i am running dual exhaust with dynomax super turbos. have a deep rumble in low rpms and once you hit the higher rpms, it kinda cuts out..... until you punch it :twisted: then it rumbles more. and under a load its nice. plus they are pretty cheap too.
i sure didn't want a whine (like the imports) from my exhaust. i do want a different sound, so it's not mistaken for a V-8. should i stick w/the stock torque converter? i'm going to run a 10 bolt monte carlo rear, but don't know the gearing off-hand. :roll: thanx for the replies. it's cool to talk to people who don't say "drop a V-8 in it instead". i had plans for a 390, but the 6 seems to call to me. :twisted: heh heh heh.
why don't you just drop a V8 in it?

(Just kidding!!!!)

:smash: :smash::smash::smash::smash::smash:

a six is the only solution, and the 250 rocks!
:? there is always a smat alec in the group, ain't there? heh heh heh. the real reason i don't want a V-8 is simple---everyone does it. and the old granada & me were together for a long time. sentimental fool, i suppose. hey, i still need to know what the carburator abbreviations stand for. i seem to be dumb on that. :shock: well, thanx for the feedback. :P
Cool truck.....I used to ride to high school in one with my friend. It had a stock motor but had a glass pack.....boy would it rap!