40bob..I'm here to gauge interest in a turbo exhaust header.

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Hi guys,

I posted this on the big six forum and I thought I might ask the same question here..

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2003 7:24 pm Post subject: 40bob..I'm here to gauge interest in a turbo exhaust header.


Hi guys,
I spend most of my time on ubb.TurboFords.org and I make a log header for the 2.3 Turbo Ford engine. I am looking for another engine to make a header for and I have been asked by a couple of Turboford members to make one for the Ford six...
If there is enough interest I'll see what I need and get set up to make them...


id be interested but i got a argi 221 me head so it would do me no good for a header not to many ppl have the me head so there wouldnt bee ny big demand
Hey, Bob - seen this Aussie beauty?

Is this the same Bob that posts on turbo ford and makes a tubular 2.3L turbo header?

If so then hi!

And yes I am interested. I have a 200 inline six in a '80 Mustang that I have been figuring out how to mount a 1984 Thunderbird T3 turbocharger onto.

A turbo header would be excellent. I have a Australian head so I have to worry about clearing the intake.

Not a very good website yet but I have some pics of the Aussie intake on it.
http://www.geocities.com/anlushac11/Ano ... xPage.html


ALSO You might talk to Az Coupe about selling a few on the Performance Parts website.
On this side of the house you have several different head configurations.
Ozzie crossflow, like the pic
Ozzie non-crossflow, same exhaust as the American
American 144-250
Argentine 221, Just starting to come into the US, different exhaust ports

A 200 six with a 221 head and a turbo would be a serious WOLF in Sheeps clothing!

A lot of these guys a VERY SERIOUS about making power. I think your going to be busy. :D

Hi 40Bob,

I'm interested, I've got a flange that you can use for the SP head.

WOW...That's a lot of different heads...AND since I use a head as part of the fixture, I'll need to find one of each..
Gimme a shot in the dark here and tell me which head would be the most popular to use as a starting point and i'll try to find one. Then I'll need someone to tell me where they think the turbo should be located, with respect to interference to the fender etc..

40bob":31fsve77 said:
WOW...That's a lot of different heads...AND since I use a head as part of the fixture, I'll need to find one of each..
Gimme a shot in the dark here and tell me which head would be the most popular to use as a starting point and i'll try to find one. Then I'll need someone to tell me where they think the turbo should be located, with respect to interference to the fender etc..


The American LOG head and the Australian 250-2V head use the same exhaust manifold flange. The center tow exhaust ports are siamesed.

The Argentina SP head has seperate ports for the 3 and 4 cylinder so has a different exhuast manifold flange.
hey bob I will be heading down to SIU this fall and could prob lone my car to you for a couple of weeks if you need a engine bay to work with (fairlanes have the smallest bay)

hey Bob,

I've got a local guy to fabricate the SP/ME turbo headers so just drop my name off the list.


I would say the most popular heads (or at least most used) are the stock 144-250 US heads with integral head.

While the Aussie and Argi heads are cool and popular upgrades, they still seem to be few and far between. If you wish to make this appeal to many people then the stock head may be the way to go.

Then again, those with the Aussie/Arg heads are usually very serious about power, so they may have a higher percentage of interest, but I think lower overall numbers (on a mass marketing scale).

Good stuff, Bob, and welcome to our Forum! I think that the best candidate is going to be the late model large-log, open chamber head. These flow much more air on the intake side than the earlier, small-log heads, and are more resistant to detonation as well. The exhaust manifold pattern is the same as the small-log heads, but since the intake logs are slightly different, the turbo may need repositioning for the later heads compared to the earlier ones.