Okay here we goooooo hold on I'm going to TRY and explain some this....
chazthephoenix that PCV thingy you are referring to is called a ported vacuum switch. It was incorporated in ALL late model Fords to help in reducing emissions along with a few other thinks (i.e. dual vacuum distributors this was needed to work with the PVS).
Now all of this was done BEFORE federal regulations on emissions went into effect. Later, Ford as well as others, introduced electronic ignition controls and other things that eventually replaced alot of the vacuum plumbing that was required at the time to reduce the emissions (IIRC).
I need to stop here to say something about pollution.
It's not good, PERIOD.
However, if you want a good performing machine the simpliest thing to do would be to eliminate the PVS and plug the thermostat housing. Also plug the retard nipple on your distributor as well. This would then leave ONLY the advance line running from the dizzy to the carb. With this setup, tuning is do much easier!
IF (big if) you feel you need to run all of those vacuum lines, then by all means get a Mustang repair manual that shows a diagram for your year and plumb it accordingly. One word of caution...Fine tuning your car will be DIFFICULT if you take this approach! I speak from experience.
Hope this helps guys.