exhaust options...



My rebuild is nearly complete and the wife is depressed about the cost...
In researching the parts need to mate my 6-2 hookers into my existing single exhaust, I have found that a pair of purple hornies or DynoMax glasspacks with some turn-downs are just about as cost effective...My question...Does any one have a useful experience with glasspacks, particularly the two mentioned above? What can I expect interms of sound quality and being labeled the menace of the neighborhood?

As a side, a short tale of woe... Got everything together, dropped in the car, ran with promise for about 5 minutes with great promise, then...ugh. Sounded like the carburator crapped out, dropped a cylinder, something really ugly. Oil leaking from the rocker cover...checked it out and found a froozen valve that proceeded to put a digger in my #6 piston. My machinist will repair to my satisfaction. SO, know your machine shop, and while close tolerences are good...hey, metal expands when it heats up...gotta leave a skoche more room. Only set me back a week. Pics to follow when finally running (or the camera is empty, whichever comes first)

Cheers, Bob :unsure: