Readers digest version: Dropped nut in intake. Can't get out. Decide to pull head.
That should bring most up to speed.
Tonight I started pulling the head. Valve cover was a pain but I finally got it off. Pull the rocker assembly. Removed all the Head bolts (think I am getting weak because that sure didn't feel like 65 ft lbs). Try to budge, back moves, antifreeze spills, front doesnt. Pulled thermostat housing. Find bolt underneath thermostat housing. Pull it after finding 1/4 inch drive ratchet. Not moving. Pull top bolts on exhaust manifold. Not happening. Hook up cherry picker. Back is loose but front is not. Look at thermostat. It is 31 in garage. Time to go inside. Any ideas?
That should bring most up to speed.
Tonight I started pulling the head. Valve cover was a pain but I finally got it off. Pull the rocker assembly. Removed all the Head bolts (think I am getting weak because that sure didn't feel like 65 ft lbs). Try to budge, back moves, antifreeze spills, front doesnt. Pulled thermostat housing. Find bolt underneath thermostat housing. Pull it after finding 1/4 inch drive ratchet. Not moving. Pull top bolts on exhaust manifold. Not happening. Hook up cherry picker. Back is loose but front is not. Look at thermostat. It is 31 in garage. Time to go inside. Any ideas?