Vacuum Setup

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What is the best vacuum setup for my '77 200? I have a daul vacuum advance dizzy.

Okay Chris this is what you should do.... :oops:


Basically I'm running really rough when I put the car into gear. It's okay when in park or neutral but drive or reverse, it's ROUGH.

Ok Chris, This is what you should do...

First, check to make certain that everything is working correctly. Check and set the points to the right gap.

Doyou have a timing light? Set your initial advance to 10 degrees with the vacuum hoses disconnected and plugged (golf tees work great)

Now pull the plug from one hose at a time and check for vacuum in the hoses. You might have to rev to engine to feel it. Reonnect both hoses.

Rev the engine with the hoses connected and make certain that the moves freely up and down the damper. If everything is working correctly then your problem of rough running is else where.

Good Luck
Okay, I've run through the vacuum lines and tested each hose. Nothing. I even replaced all of the hoses. The engine smoothes out alittle when I disconnect and plug the tranny vacuum line but it still shakes the car a bit. When I reconnect the vacuum line it reverts to a very rough idle in drive or reverse.

Could the transmission modulator valve have anything to do with the roughness only when in gear? I'm not certain I understand what it actually does.

You need to find out why you don't have vacuum to the distributor. Do the lines go to the manifold or to the carb. If they go to the carb, try reving the engine a little to see if you get vacuum.

Your engine isn't getting any vacuum advance to the distributor. When you attach the vacuum line, the engine speed should jump a couple hundred rpms because the distributor adds about 10 degrees of advance.

If the vacuum lines go to the carb, it may be that your carb is just too dirty or gummed up, and it will need to be rebuilt.

Good Luck
I'm assuming you're checking the vacuum reading with a guage and not be ear? A good vacuum guage will tell you a lot about the condition of your engine. What Hg are you pulling with the car in neutral? How does that change when you plug the tranny modulator line?

just two things to consider

First, if your vacuum is changing AT ALL when you plug up the tranny line, then you have a problem. If your system is working properly there should be no change with hoses connected or disconnected. Check the line at the end of the tubing to make sure that's OK, then check again when connected to the modulator. If you have a change, you have a leak.

Second -- are you sure you have your idle set properly? The car should be 600 - 650 in DRIVE (about 900 in neutral). If you set the car to idle at 650 in neutral, you're going to have problems and run rough.

Good luck!
Well I've isolated the problem. When I plug the tranny line my idle changes a bit in gear. It actually runs alittle smoother with it plugged. Leak? Bad valve? Everything else is good as far as the vacuum advance and retard. I bought a new dizzy and that also made an improvement in the idle. It allowed me to better adjust my advancement.

I am using a guage to check my Hg. It's stable around 18. And as far as my tranny line, it plumbs to the intake manifold.

Basically, I have my engine plumbed like a '68 200 w/ a/t and dual dizzy.

Advance side goes to the carb. and the retard goes to the manifold. From the manifold a line goes to the tranny.

Have I confused anyone yet? :oops: