Option 1: The 5-speed Hi-Lux gear box can be bolted up, but one of the bolts runs close to daylighting out of the 4-speed single rail bell housing. And you have to tap the others. The you have to fit a 9.5 inch clutch that suits the Toyota spline, or chance using the Toyota clutch pack. The Landcruiser clutch is too big to fit
. The throw out bearing must clear the input shaft correctly.
Option 2: The aftermarket bell housing for the better W-series Supra gearboxes (they were used in the 300 hp VB-VK Commodore 253 Challenge is the capper...big bucks, but though as!) Over a 1000 ping in that, I'm sure!!!!
Addo is on the money cam wise. If you doing it, get a great cam, pay a big price. It's the heart beat raiser to a normally latent engine. I've got a very low lift Heatseaker form the early 1990's, which has about the same total duration as a stock cam, but comes off the ramps faster and has a t more lift earlier in its opening and later in its closing. It is about 256 degrees or so , with something like only 438 thou lift, I think. Your better off going slightly NATO with the cam (ie bigger). 250 is lots of cubes, and a light car, no problems with having to fit a hi-stall converter. Don't go over 220 degrees of open cam when the cam is over 50 thou open because it will hurt driveablity too much. Mine is only 200 or so degrees at 50 thou lift. But a cam supplier will sort you out!!!
And a note on polishing heads from David Vizard and Keith Duckworth (Cosworth DFV 3000 Formula One engine designer)....DON'T! Polishing heads on the intake and chamber lowers the level of suspended petrol vapour, and screws up mixture. Drops in power of up to 5% have been known at full throttle. Specific fuel consumption drops of over 10% are not uncommon. On the exhast side, polish as much as you like, it never hurts!
Cams which raise lift but hold duration to the lower limits (260-280 deg total or 200-220 at 50 thou lift) are the best on the street, and the stock cross-flow head really responds to extra lift. Anything done
without a calibrated, Superflow tested cfm flow rate showing big increses from the stock head is a waste of money. You could end up with less flow!!!
And I'm into LPG too. Best idea is adding a couple of pounds of hospital or comerical grade nitrous to a 70 litre gas tank via the vent, but thats a Safety and Health issue, and you
never heard it from me!