Plug Wires - MSD


Well-known member
I was just installing my MSD 6A and I read in the instructions that you have to have helically or spirally wound spark plug wires. The instructions specifically say not to use Solid Core spark plug wires. How do I know what kind I have? The wires installed now say "7mm - Double Silcone - Ultimate Heat Protection - Made in the USA." Does that mean Solid Core? I can't find any name brand on them and I don't recall what they were when I bought them many moons ago.

Should I use them or buy new ones. If new ones, what kind?

I'm using a Pertronix II and Flamethrower II Coil, by the way.

I ran solid core wires for years with MSD boxes before noticing that MSD recommended not doing so. My first thought was to change them out, but since I hadn't had any problems I left them in and never did have problems. It's true most wires these days are not solid core- you can often tell for sure by looking down in the bottom of the boot and looking at what's comiing out of the end of the wire and being crimped on. Solid core is obviously stranded wire, other cores look like graphite/fiberglass fibers.
Double it makes since. Thanks guys. That will save me a few $. The ones I have are relatively new, anyway. :D

Nowadays you have to ask specifically for solid wires if you want them for tractors and such. Most of the kids behind the parts store counters will have no clue what you are talking about. Solid wires+MSD should make quite a lot of radio static :shock: