Excellent food for thought - Awesome info, thanks all around! I'd be glad to donate a little to help with expenses, is there a paypal or better way to do so?
My $.02:
1. Any electronic ignition is going to be leaps and bounds better than points, especially a LOM.
2. Between an 1100 and a HW5200, I found the HW5200 had MUCH more stable air/fuel ratios, especially as the rpm's climbed. The 1100 would jump around pretty wildly between 14-19 at highway speeds, even though you wouldn't have known it without an afr gauge. The HW5200 also gave better mileage, 24 vs 20. fwiw.
I'm still curious about two little things, just for info's sake:
1. What jets are in the Weber? (so we can add it to the jetting sticky)
2. What is the ignition curve of the DUI?
You know, in your spare time... :roll: