A sad day....


Well-known member
Started my Mustang today after sitting all winter. I checked all the vital fluids. Fired right up, let it idle for about 5 minutes and I though I'd give it some gas, revved it up to about 4K and BANG! :shock: :shock: Afterward it was making a sickening metallic hammering noise, somewhere inside and would hardly idle.....

Just had to spill my guts....

Man that sucks i am really sorry. I hope it all works out for you!! :(
Do you happen to have a shoe horn, Evan? :lol: :lol:

I was out at the pick'n'pull today and found what looks like a good interim replacement in a 1979 Zephyr with a 200. The motor was sticking at one point when I was turning it by hand, I shot some WD40 in, it freed up at once. I was looking at this motor last fall and it was fine at the time, but someone swiped the EGR and I think some water got in there through the winter. It is also very clean inside, no sludge build up. Now if the ground would just firm up so I can get my truck in there I'd be all set.
