Anyone heard of this before??



I have a '66 Mustang 200ci and i can't figure this out - Okay, it started when the bolt holding the timing gear on to the Cam fell off completely. When i tore into it i found this, so i re-set the timing and tightened everything back up - but this locked up the crank shaft. Anyway, the problem is when i tighten the bolt holding the timing gear on the cam it locks up the engine. If i add a lot of washers and bring out the bolt to where it sticks out when it is tight it does not lock up the crank. Apparantly the farther into the cam the bolt goes the tighter the crank gets to where it eventually locks up :unsure: :unsure:
anyone that can help i would appreciate it :LOL:
I can only be of minor help here but I remember seeing this problem in an earlier post. Hope it was B4 the crash so you can find it. Apparantly, as you tighten the gear bolt your pulling the cam toward you, i.e., it is sliding in it's bearings. It can be pulled far enough forward to interfer with the crank rotation (very tight fit in the first place). The problem , as I recall, was a thrust washer / spacer that had been left out during a cam install. Worth looking into.

There's a spacer that's required on the camshaft. It looks like a thick washer and it fits on the cam after the drive pin. Without it, when you tighten the bolt the cam and gear clamp down on the retainer and the assembly locks up.

NOTE: The two Crow cams I have on the shelf don't need the spacer, but the Comp and Cam Dynamics cams do, as do all the stock cams.
It fits on the cam behind the pin. It's like a thick washer and you should be able to spin it by hand.

Check to make sure you have one. If it was left off before, that would cause you to not be able to tighten the gear properly, hence your current problem. They don't normally come with a new cam and you have to swap it over from your old cam.
yes i have it, i was just trying to put it on the bolt, after the timing gear. :oops:
thanks much
There is a washer on the retaining bolt. It is not the same as the spacer behind the pin.

Since you can't seem to picture it, here's a shot of the spacer and pin removed.

Here's a shot of the spacer installed

Would you break ou the dial calipers amd give me measurements of the thrust washer. I know it's used. I'd like thickness both ways and inside and outside dim's. How about the distance between the snout shoulder and the pin where the washer goes?

Cheers MIke