First, get an inductive strobe timing light.
Hook the power cables to the battery, and clamp the magnetic pickup onto the #1 plug wire.
Get some chalk and highlight the TDC mark or notch on your crankshaft pulley. Do the same with the stationary timing pointer on the engine. Points use 6* BTDC, and DII uses around 10*-14*.
Disconnect the vac. advance hose at the dizzy and plug it up. Warm the engine up and while idling, point the timing light in the general area of the pulley. The mark on the pulley should appear stationary. If the mark on the pulley and the intended spot on the stationary timing pointer don't line up, turn off the engine, loosen the dizzy hold down clamp slightly, and restart the engine. While pointing the timing light at the pulley, rotate the dizzy slowly until the two marks line up. When they do, turn off the engine and tighten the dizzy hold down clamp, being careful not to move the dizzy. Restart the engine and double check the setting if you like.
Sorry that was so long! Anybody feel free to add or correct this.