
Well-known member
Hey guys ,ive got a problem (not one i can fix with antibiotics).My 67 falcon runs an alloy head 250 xf engine with a xe falcon electronic reluctor type ignition.recently i have been fowling plugs on a regular basis.i been playing around with jets to rectify this problem after many hours of pissing around i did a spark test and noticed the spark seems pretty weak.
ive just removed the pink resistor wire (should have done this a long time ago)fitted a new coil and a new module and checked the air gap on the reluctor .still the same weak spark.ive run out of ideas ,patience and money anybody got ideas. luckly im getting sets of plugs for $12.50.
on the plug side of things on the xf they run the long reach projected tip
and on the xe the run normal plugs which plugs do you think i should run
the heads off a efi engine.
cheers dave 67xr6
Your pickup coil could be blown (lucky coil!). Pull the cover off the module; switch the car off first. Disconnect one of the two thin green leads from the module, and with a good multimeter, check for continuity between the two green pickup leads. Resistance would be in the K-ohms range, I'd guess, but you should have a continuity test that will confirm/deny this aspect.

If it's blown, you could rewind it :roll: , or get another from any Bosch -equipped car. It's a pr!ck to remove.

I'd suggest XE plugs until the distributor's fixed up.

Cheers Addo, unfortunatley been there done that ive got a brand new
pick up coil and checked the ohms and there in between correct specs
1000-1200 ohms (from memory)any more ideas?.yes it is a prick to change ,trying to get the air gap even took a while .do you know of any tricks there?.

cheers dave
I just spend 30 minutes evening out the air gap with a 15 thou feeler, tightening very gently in stages. You need to check every gap for every "point" position - all 36 of 'em.

You need good grounding, too. How many ohms from the module mounting area to the negative terminal of the battery? Aim for less than one. And use heat conductive silicone grease (Unick) when attaching the module. Is is any different when you swap the pickup coil wires with each other? Other problem is the wires to the ignition coil can fatigue near the point they leave the distributor body.

Check all resistances for ideal - coil, leads, cap, maybe we need to manually test module. It is unlikely but possible you've a poor ground or shitty coil lead and this has screwed the new black box.

BTW, paid $80 for the ACL pre crossflow VRS and pan gasket set. Is this good by NZ prices?

This system is the same as I use and should be able to fire a spark almost a foot long.
Bit of exageration there!
This sytem must have a full twelve volts to the coil and a serious power supply.
Make sure thta battery voltage is at the coil under all circumstances.
What I did was to wire in a relay which is fired/switched by the original coil wire ans can supply 30 amps if required.
Check this and get back to us.
Usually this system is all or nothing.
Thanks for the info Addo & Noel . im pulling the dizzy tonight for a complete strip and check and a overall check of wiring .Addo i think you might be correct on the module,plus its cheap aftermarket one so ill get a genuine bosch and check that.
That Valve Regrind Set thats a CP630MT i think they retail over here for
$43.00 +gst
the pan set ,is that just a sump set or a complete lower set?
pan set HC257 $14.20 +GST
complete lower set EP633 $29.32+GST. all repco prices retail

BTW ACL dont put in a 2v intake gasket in there set.

cheers dave