hey guys quick question ... on the header there is a bar with 4 tubes to the header, this leads to some hoses and back to the header ... i know this is emtions crap .. so if i get a header and the emtions crap goes bye bye .. will it pas emtions? and will it run right with all that crap gone ... the thing is that the pipe on my stoc header (well the tubes) have rusted out so i have a masave exhaust leak and i have to drive with the windows down because its geting in the car ... so till i get a single out header im going to pull all that crap out (or cap it all off) and get bolts to plug where the tubes went into the header .... what do you think? ... i already looked at the vacume hoses and stuff that went to the old air cleaner (when i replased it i caped off the hoses) and all the emitions crap was tied inot that so im thinking i dont need it