6 Quart Oil Pan Install!!!


Well-known member
After several other projects got in the way I finally started to install my 6 qt oil pan I got from Mike a few weeks back.....Looks cool and was way easy to do ;) :D :D

here's the link to my newest web page,

http://www.geocities.com/mustang_man_19 ... stall.html

I had to take the tranny lines loose and removed the sway bar brackets from the frame so I could lower it down out of the way and that was it. Plenty of room to slide the pan out the front with no problem whatsoever.

This is only a 2-3 hour job for most people and I think it is a nice upgrade if you plan on revving your 6 popper over the 5500 RPM mark all the time like I do.

For you new guys that might have missed seeing these here is the link to Mikes website where I got mine,


At the bottom of the page is a comparison photo of the FL1A and the larger capacity FL299 oil filter which would also be a nice upgrade since you have to change the oil anyway....

I'm going to finish installing it this weekend and I'll take a installed picture of it when I'm finished.


Doug Hi!!!! Looks really nice!!!!

I did notice something, the lower cross member is square. Did you fabricate it???? Is it bolted or welded????


Shouldnt that be :eek:z: :USA: :eek:z: :USA: ;)


Thanks, and yes that is a lower crossmember that I fabricated and welded in. I didnt think anyone would catch that... ;) :LOL: :LOL:


I am looking into the same setup for a crossmember since mine bolts in along with the lca mounts. thinking I need new mounts for a lower a-arm conversion like a MII setup.

Just finished the install and updated/finished the webpage. Ran into a couple of snags but they were nothing you couldnt work around ;)

Them Aussies sure know how to build their "Hi-Po" parts!!! I was quite pleased!!! :D :D


Now you do have some "Down Under", down under.

The company doesn't even have a web page (I last looked a couple of months ago). Like Pacemaker and a bunch of other small enterprises, they tend to hide their light under a bushel.

Funny thing is, you have to raise hell to get a good oil filter here.
Nice windage tray.
Does High Energy offer a rear sump oil pan for the 300 "Canadian 6"

I'll even barter a big pile of Wix or Motorcraft filters :shock:
They'll do custom work. Dry sump drag car pans, deep pans, ones with wings, pickups to suit... Plus the Teflon coating. Best bet is to call them or fax some sketches. Be prepared for the "Why don't you drop a 351 in it?" question. :roll:

High Energy Oil Pans
6a Short St Dandenong 3175 + 61 3 9794 9075 (Tel)

Most of their work is done using a junk block as the holding/measuring device. That could be the most significant issue.

IIRC the Motorcraft filters we get are Asian made.
addo":3gqpqjim said:
IIRC the Motorcraft filters we get are Asian made.

Right, thats just gone and made me feel uneasy. Any idea where they're made?

Doug, that looks awesome!! mmm, custom sump...

You mention having to check clearance for the crank scrapper.
Was there any problem with clearance for you?

What a pain to have to install that pickup with the pan hanging in that position. I assume you put the gasket on your mounting surface first then install the pickup and then lock everything down?

The gasket set for the oil pan is my least favorite on the engine to intall.
I always get the whole thing a mess and it takes me way too long.
No problem on the clearance and yes that was how I had to install it...Kind of a pain but still well worth it in my opinion ;)

Thanks to all of you for checking it out :D :D :D


Doug , I was looking under my car and the clearance between the stock crossmember and the oil pan is really tight. I think that if someone wants to do this swap the crossmember has to be unbolted.

I had to unbolt the crossmember, take off the sway bar, and unbolt one side of the steering center link to get everything out of the way so that I could install the oil pan. Then to top it off, I had to leave the pickup loose until I go the pan over it, then had to tigheten it withtout even being able to see the bolts. Its a fun job :shock: !