Any of you Southerners near Sale?


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I might need to pick your brains to get a friend's car on the road again ASAP. Currently in storage near Sale. It needs a front subframe replacement... Yes, that other brand... But it is a hot six!

Thanks, Adam.
Oh dear. I'll just check, and check where that is.

Nope, not in my country. Stupid Kiwis are all in Bondi. I'm the the only one left here. :cry:

Must be a Heavy Old Lumbering Derilict Excites Neandethals?

Wouldn't walk a metre to fix one, but I'm intollerant.
Im in Bairnsdale, which is the next town along...

Not quite sure what the front subframe is, so im not sure i could be of much help...
As much as enything else, I need to get a "feel" for the town and its businesses before doing anything. Nobody wants to get ripped off.

I'll PM you on this.