So hard to diagnose engine noises via the web, your clank might be my knock. Is the noise deep and heavy sounding, like a hammer rapping on a heavy piece of steel? Or is it more like a light tinny sound, similar to a tapping a screwdriver against a tin coffee can?
If the noise is deep and heavy sounding, you could be facing imminent major engine damage, or it could be an exhaust leak. If it's light and tinny, it could be lots of things, but may be the preignition - pinging - many others have indicated.
A couple weeks ago, a classmate of mine described an engine noise in his Dodge truck as only on startup, when he accelerates, and when climbing a hill. The difference was I could walk to the parking lot and listen to it. He had a rod knocking, badly, and despite my recommendation to park it, he kept driving it. The engine froze up 3 or 4 days later.
If you're engine illiterate, take your car to a trusted mechanic and have him/her check it out for you. Much better insurance than trying to diagnose a noise over the internet. The noise is probably just preignition, but if it isn't, you won't know until it's too late.