All Small Six HELP! Oil blow-by with non-baffled valve cover

This relates to all small sixes
Goldie have you considered installing a catch can for the oil blown / sucked into the pcv system ? Another thought is use some clay to check how much clearance you have inside the valve cover then fab up a baffle and tig it inside the cover . My buddy had to put a catch can on his 2014 supercharged Shelby for problems like yours. .Those moly rings may not be seated yet , I think I would take it out and hammer it if I got the blow by somewhat under control .

Your problem has me wondering about a possible issue with my new non baffled Ford Raceing cover & Yella Terra rockers when I get to the installation on my vert .

Have you did a compression leak down test on the eng ? I know it's all brand new but !!!
Keep us informed & I hope you get past this hurdle.
you have serious blowby as stated before, the steps you took from the help and your own doing seem well done and thought out and would of all helped in most mild blowby events. Hope is gets better with more miles, the odds are probably not good. at least this motor is easy to work on.
Goldie, time for another compression test.
If the pcv valve is functioning properly back to intake side with this much blowby, wound not this motor smoke some and plugs look a little on the carbon side of things, it has to go somewhere and it seems it likes the engine bay, maybe bypass pvc with open pipe and see what happens as sort of a test to see if you are getting some evacuation, also remove hose from pvc and make sure you have good vacuum and somethings not restricted, just trying at digging at something simple in hopes for a better outcome for this guy.
Goldie is it possible the hose attached to the pcv system is not the correct type & possible collapsing from the vacumn when it gets hot . I had a similar issue on a c10 truck power brake booster hose years ago .
very good idea, we are running out of simple here fast if some of this doesn't work.
nothing to offer untill hearing/seeing a complete description of :
"...have a hi-perf 200 w/ Aussie head..."
so as to know what's there. 'S OK tho as I stopped reading @
post 10 or 12. Remote diagnosis is pretty difficult, almost impossible
(4 me) if not knowin "whaja got". Will return to C how U do later (w/more
time on my hands). I C 2 more pages! ~Best of Luck~
Goldie I don't know where you might be with the oil issue ,but . Check on the vintage 6 Mustang site & find Jeff Jones . He is in Cali & builds a lot of 6 cyl Fords stock & hopped up , he also reworks & sell modified large log heads. I have contacted him before thru his e mail & he seems like a nice guy .

He may have some insight that will help if you have not resolved the problem .

Good luck finding the problem .
Goldie I'm sorry I left out he's on the facebook site . There are a couple of other guys on the site with some serious 6's but I think Jeff built their engs & they have added power adders to them .
There is not a high-volume pump that I know of for a 200. I do not think that is your problem. It sounds like an oil control issue. I am sure the roller rocker adds more oil than the stock shaft system to the valve cover area. Maybe fab a baffle inside the valve cover to direct the oil away from the breathers. There is three small oil drain back holes in the lifter galley that that drains all the oil from the head and whatever leaks out the top of the lifters, I open those up, also oil draining back has to compete with crank case blowby which keep oil from draining back. Some boosted guys have been fabing up a crank case breather at the unused fuel pump boss to bypass the blowby away from the valve cover. A thinner oil could help.
It may be worth the time to fab up an old cover with some clear windows to see what is happening.
Drag-200 stang. Thanks for the information. We are still trying to sort out this problem. Removed head today to look into chamfering these drain back holes. Unfortunately can only see two?? Can you tell us where these holes are located exactly? One appears to be over the fuel pump while the other is over the distributor.

Edited: Found hole #3! Still not seeing anything obvious as to what is causing this problem. I'm hoping just gobs of power, and when we get this resolved, this car is going to run circles around any other inline 6 this side of the Mississippi! (Ok... I'll stop dreaming now).
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Goldie I don't know where you might be with the oil issue ,but . Check on the vintage 6 Mustang site & find Jeff Jones . He is in Cali & builds a lot of 6 cyl Fords stock & hopped up , he also reworks & sell modified large log heads. I have contacted him before thru his e mail & he seems like a nice guy .

He may have some insight that will help if you have not resolved the problem .

Good luck finding the problem .
Thanks Wayne. Unfortunately, we are still dealing with the issue. The blowby at the grommets has stopped after installing the ME Wagner PCV valve, but the valve cover is still filling with oil and sucking through the PCV valve into the carb.

Today we removed the head to try and see if the oil drain back holes were restricted in amy way. Oddly, we can only find two holes and not the reported three that you guys have been talking about.

I’ve reached out to Jeff Jones to see if he might have any ideas too. Waiting to hear from him. Fingers crossed!

Thanks again.
Is there an "in" as well as an 'out' 4 the vent system?
I know U have a PCV valve as I saw in recient post (am
jumping around so not reading on this thread well). But
a breather (I use ac housing, have a 'closed system') might help?
JJ is up on the ThriftPower, I trust 'em (unlike bent8'n other guys).
Yes, Chad. We have a Traditional breather. Have actually tried three or four different kinds with a different combination of PCV valves and no luck, no matter what we do. So far, the Wagner valve has been the best, but only because we are no longer having to clean up the engine compartment Every time we do a test run.
oh, jeez.
Knife edge the crank?
valve seals'n rings?
I'll hafta re-read the whole thread (just like beginning again @ the start w/a tune)
8^ (
happy sunday~
(yeah, right. Not w/this issue here, sorry!)
amazed @ the aid these wagner's give (since 1st reported here (sometime pre-covid - '15?)
Somebody here found a steel/tall & baffled valve cover for less than $ 40. The OEM pattern baffling might help a lot ?
Somebody here found a steel/tall & baffled valve cover for less than $ 40. The OEM pattern baffling might help a lot ?
Tried one of those too Danny. Still had the same problem. Appreciate the feedback and suggestion though.
OK, read almost all the posts now (B4 opening my mouth this time) not that i have much to offer. #23/4 might be getting at something (by d-stang). I have the alu/finned cover (extra hight) but no YT rockers. Most here (usa) get the hight they need w/2 vc gaskets. I have 5 or 8 solutions for the "typical low hood" '60s/70s ford hoods but sounds like UR not getting in trouble there (yet).

Air in/air out for a + crankcase vent system. (I have a closed system) Not sure U control the "in". My alu cover hasa monroso pvc baffle. Ambler used a pvc w a y past the cover ona hose (at the grommet) as it returned to the carb. Not sure this would work, never far enuff away 4U? ALSO
I'm in the air c. housing for the 'in breath', not simple open air (would completing the circle work for you?) May B a baffle on that end too (if the oil squirts 3, 4 ft away that's alota strength, this may not wrk either).

The usa heads have some work done when going to the YT rockers (guys wrk the oil holes'n create oil path thru hollow PR I believe). Not sure U can do that w/the Oz head (or whatever U got). Still got silly ideas like how to tone down the slappin'n turmoil in the pan oil like knife edged crank (last kinda step) may be DIY 'scrapers' dwn there too? Have the moly rings seated yet (ie how many total mi?)
Does the engine smoke/burn oil ? I wonder if it's a mechanical issue (ring seal), maybe too much blowby past the rings, that is keeping the oil from draining down ?
Just to be clear I do not think that this engine has a blowby problem, all engines have some blowby. I think that it has an excessive oil above the crank case problem, that cannot drain back to the crank case by way of the 3 lifter galley drain back holes any blowby at all has to go out the same hole in the opposite direction and does not help. So why does this build have too much oil for the 3 small drain back holes, it is not the pump, it is stock, it is most likely the oil through lifter rocker system that leaks more oil than the non-oiling lifter that the engine was designed to use. The 3 drain back holes was barely enough for a stock build use. The lifters could be on the small size and its bores could be on the large size, the lifters metering system may be excessive or part wrong or missing. Could also something crazy like a bad spot in the block to the oil galley spraying oil up, not likely. I also think that larger pushrods may also could add in some minor drain back.
There is no lifter cover on the small six, the lifters go in form the top of block. Fuel pump opening would be the easiest if one wanted to test or vent the crank case.