All Small Six HELP! Oil blow-by with non-baffled valve cover

This relates to all small sixes
Have you tried oil restrictors or a good catch can system or oil separator?
Quote from Radium Engineering site. "A high powered modified engine tends to generate excessive blow-by oil and gasses. In these cases, an ordinary small catch can may quickly fill with oil and not be adequate. Like the Radium Engineering Catch Cans, the AOS-R (Air Oil Separator, Return) is responsible for keeping blow-by oil and other pollutants out of the air intake, intercooler, manifold, etc. The main difference is that an AOS-R system returns oil back into the pan. This permits a service-free system."

No idea about your budget $$, but have you thought about a crankcase vacuum pump or at least a crankcase evac system, an evac system is not so good with mufflers.
"...lifter cover.."
yeah, that confused me. I think of the vc asa lc. BUT...
you are helping me think of some having something 'extra'
Just to be clear I do not think that this engine has a blowby problem, all engines have some blowby. I think that it has an excessive oil above the crank case problem, that cannot drain back to the crank case by way of the 3 lifter galley drain back holes any blowby at all has to go out the same hole in the opposite direction and does not help. So why does this build have too much oil for the 3 small drain back holes, it is not the pump, it is stock, it is most likely the oil through lifter rocker system that leaks more oil than the non-oiling lifter that the engine was designed to use. The 3 drain back holes was barely enough for a stock build use. The lifters could be on the small size and its bores could be on the large size, the lifters metering system may be excessive or part wrong or missing. Could also something crazy like a bad spot in the block to the oil galley spraying oil up, not likely. I also think that larger pushrods may also could add in some minor drain back.
There is no lifter cover on the small six, the lifters go in form the top of block. Fuel pump opening would be the easiest if one wanted to test or vent the crank case.
Thanks 😊 Shows how many details I know about the small sixes. 🫣
getting back to a 'simple ' solution:

.. even if only for more data - IF not significant blowy or guides' are actual problem, add a return tube of sufficient capacity to a VC to return excess oil in head to pan. Return galleys are really insufficient? .

used to add additional oil to rocker 'back in the day '

return of excess turbo hot-foamed oil into VC worked

Powerband, were you using oil through lifters and pushrods? Look at any of the South Amercian hot rod small six, most will have some kind of fix for this. The big has 6 larger and one or two small drain back holes and the oil pump is only 12% larger than the small six.
Sorry guys! Just seeing your many responses here. I apparently had too many threads going.

We have resolved our issues and you can read all about it on my thread entitled “drilling out oil drain back holes on 200 inline 6”

Sneak peak: it was faulty lifters that took out the cam and caused oil to fill up the valve cover and not drain back down into the pan. After the fix, we are better than ever with a great performance engine. 😊

Thanks everyone!