how much power

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how much power would you need to do a smokey bern out I have 81 hp and 192 lbs of torque is that enuff or do I need more?
by the way thats at the end of the tranny with the altinator, smogpump,ac,and the power stering .
I'm no export but I don't think there is any magic number to go by. There are alot of varibles involved. For example rear end gearing and the type of rear end. Are you running 8 plus inch rear wheels. The rubber you have on the road the more torque you will need to light them up. Also if you have a tracloc type rear end it will take more torque to light up both wheels versus just one. Are you running an automatic or a manual tranny. All these things will make a difference.

That seems like an awlful lot of torque for only 81 hp. What type of motor is this? Any mods?
I'm no export!!! LMAO Sometimes I come back and read my posts to make sure i didn't miss inform anyone only to find out I can't type.
its a 8.8 with 279 gearing the maveric has a 250 ci engin stock with a C4 atto tranny stock covertor and has a open diff with 14 by 6 wheels :D
You want smoke? lots of smoke?
OK, here goes: first inflate rear tires to 55 psi, old hard tire work best, lightly coat tires with oil or grease, wiping off excess.
Pour a puddle of household bleach for three feet in front of each rear tire.
Hold engine on brake bring RPMs up until convertor stall in low range and let off the brakes. Keep gas peddle flat on the floor as RPMs come up to shift point shift in second, you show by this time have your smoke burn-out.

hindle_az":1ip5eaoc said:
I'm no export!!! LMAO Sometimes I come back and read my posts to make sure i didn't miss inform anyone only to find out I can't type.

Yea, sometimes I do that only yo find out................ I CAN"T READ! :lol:

If you want to do burnouts, the easiest , cheapest thing to do is to take everything out of your trunk. That will make a huge difference. If it still won't spin the tires, you could get lower profile tires. Lower profile tires will spin easier but won't look as wimpy as skinny tires. Or the bleach trick really does work. Or as a last resort, you could add more power to the engine. :lol:
Yeah, but you can't do it twice. :roll:

I always suggest at least light brake pressure until all traction is lost. Dumping (flashing the converter) with no braking (in an auto) can be an unknown quantity.

If you have a tacho, make a note of the actual stall speed. Keep hard on the brake until less than 200RPM below that speed. Lighten the brake pressure, and floor the loud pedal.

Oh, and don't let your mother catch you! Don't do it on your friend's lawn, either... :oops:

Cheers, Adam.
I said I wanted to do a bern out not blow up my car :twisted: can anny of you do a bern out (WITH OUT BLOWING UP YOU`R CARS) ? :boom:
Even my old 1978 Morris Marina 1800cc auto did burnouts. Never broke a diff or trans. I just looked dopey doing it!

My 250 Falcon can drop a mean burnout. Its got no rev counter, but if you put one foot on the brake, and another on the gas peddle, smoke comes out one of the tires. Lots of smoke, enough to invite an American Indian, police officer, or an irate wife askin' you how the h*ll you gonna afford new 245's tires and a tranny and new axle. I think having a non LSD diff helps, but that looks dopey too when you do a burnout.

My advice? Get a nine inch, get a Traction Lock, get a bigger 250 and shift kitted C4 whith a looser convertor. Then find as many Aussie Summernats videos form a video club, subscribe to Australian Street Machine, and see how those Down Under do it. It's nice to know how to "defile" an American car properly. The Aussies are the Burnout Kings of the world!
One of the more ingenious devices I've seen used to enhance burnouts, was an old windscreen washer bottle placed into a boot, filled with trans fluid, and squirters aimed at both rear wheels. When the driver wanted to defile a street, he'd get a new pair of tires, fill the tank up with ATF (it was a big tank, about 4 litres), and go nuts for the next 15 minutes. He'd usually finish off both tyres by the end of the street (sometimes with a doughnut or two left in em!), the results are amazing to say the least!
Ive got a little 200 six and I can light up BFG Radial T/A's. Its called a brake stand man, push the brake with the left foot, the gas with the right and let the good times roll. Then once your either tired of sitting there for a while, or about to die of smoke inhalation, let off the brake. Motor wont blow up and leaves niiiiiiiice black marks. Marking territory is what I call it :wink:
Get some 3.55 gears, you'll burn out all frickin day on 185 or 195 tires. Everyone will think you're cool too. ...people think burnouts are cool. :lol:
kcStanger":24jzck58 said:
Get some 3.55 gears, you'll burn out all frickin day on 185 or 195 tires. Everyone will think you're cool too. ...people think burnouts are cool. :lol:

aren't they?

.......yeah, they are.... do it and rock on wit yo bad self!!
I don`t want to get 3.55:1 gears but I was gona get 3.00:1 , a shift kit , and a 2000 - 2200 stall . sound good ??