how- to websites


Well-known member
Are there any good how to websites on how to use a timing light. I'm borrowing a friends and he doesn't have a manual.
Its real easy!

There are 4 things you need to look at:
1 light
2 clamp for number 1 plug wire
3 Positive battery connection
4 Negative battery connection

Just clamp the positive and negative connections to their respective places. Clamp the clamp around the plug wire and turn on the light if it has a switch. that's about it. If it is a dial back light, start at 0 degrees dial back. Play around with it some. They are pretty fun, especially when you figure out to tune to ear and then look at what the advance is.

If you need any other help just let me know.

The inductive clamp Jason refers to must face one particular side to the spark plug. It will be marked "This side to plug" or something similar...

Cool is hooking up the strobe at dusk and just aiming it at whatever you see moving. Need a nice bright one.
