post#2 I've tried w/a bit ofa change. Of the 6 or 8 "60's/70s low hood fords" work-a-rounds this is 1 that put a hi deck 4.1 from '69 stang into my 1st gen bronk (or "EB"). The 'late Mav" mounts'n towers (we really should have some specificity to names/pick any, could even pick nother for the rubber part - isolator?) R riveted together @ a 'hinge'. Most towers (chassy mount) are not presently connected to the mounts (engine part). These specimens R not symmetrical (duplicates ina mirror) but one longer than other (w/a lill different 'lean' to it too I hesitantly recall). What is typically done (not tried w/the bronk/250 mod @ Chateau Chad) is the bolt holes R 'egged out' (elongated) 'down' so as to drop the motor (IDK, possibly up to) three quarters toa 1/2 inch. Lemmie C how many more (OP requested more from me) I can name. Some work for us all, some only 4 others:
1) "late Mav mounts";
2) hood scoop;
3) body lift, and yes;
4) suspension lift;
5) remote a.c. housing (I use a carbhat/4ft snorkel to grill)
6) 'low rise carb' (RBS in my case, 1100 in others);
EDIT: (add 1 I left out) '2v direct mount' (ie mill log for drop in carb). See T. Archive for 1 that seems to "lower hood" even more?...
7) custom drill chassy &/or custom make mounts (oem - nother off model/make/etc);
8) "hard mount' motor (no isolator &/or tower) I do not recommend.
I seem to B 4getting 1 or 2 (as I dont usually list what i have today in 7 & 8. See my/our other threads on this (use Search function). Not sure our 'main man' Perry has made a stickie, he's quite busy as it is. I've sorta been "keeper of the low hood solutions" since '09. Try 1, try 'em all (in a single application). I tried the 5 in red altho no mods to #1, it was the only 250 mounts'n towers any 1 /or/ company mailed me. I used several only 2 really helping plus notched the frame cross member (it's my bosses signature when doing most his swaps. If I was in while he sabotaged my rig I would have objected. It was Not needed. It's is not good ina 4WD (less grnd clearance).
When I got my rig ('82) it had 2 dip sticks (ie a falcon 170, bronk oil pan) w/an ac housing hitting the hood. I used a home's forced hot air filter (cut/modified) for 35 yrs (changing/cleaning @ YF carb) as the lill bob tail brought me an income both hauling and doing woods work. It has been 'brought back' (one 1/2 time in late 80s) w/the 4.1 & 5 speed it has now (2019). I would not usea scoop as the windshield folds down (dont like the looks either), the RBS was slated for this as it's a lrg boar 1v for max tq (came on a 250 @ that time too), love the update w/carb hat (fined like v.c) as a late model bronk hada grill fresh-air-tube to standard a.c. housing (I could use from grill to a lill pas 'behind the battery'), the mounts look oe, I have both SL & BL, lotta cars can not do either/both.
All was planned w/use of a putty blob on the carb & lowering the hood to see what clearance was needed. All pretty routine~