Current Inline Projects??


Well-known member
Being its the dead of winter for most of the country, what kind of inline projects do you guys have going right now??

Myself, I usually try to do all my wrenching between November to April so I can drive it all summer.

I just finished up installing my 6 qt oil pan and I'm also trying to finish up my Holley 2 Bbl install then its on to installing my new MSD 6A box :twisted: :twisted:

What are you guys currently working on...besides trying to stay warm :wink: :lol: :lol:


Doug, I am currently building a 250 ci .030" over with 255 V8 pistons, I also have an aussie 250 2v head coming with headers. My plan is to swap this into my 63 comet, that now has the BB200 in it. I also plan on swapping out the C5 tranny for a rebuilt C4 which I am also rebuilding this winter. I also have been working on a 77 loghead which I will install on the 200 and find a small truck to put this in. The log will be ported with a 2 barrel fitted directly to the head along with another C4. I also like to work in the winter and drive it all summer.
I have been working on the BIG BAD TURBO 200!!!! It is going slow I guess. My car is still running great with the nitrous so I have just been working on the turbo stuff when I have extra time and money. I just got my new 235 60 15 BFG drag radials on my Weld Rodlights a few days ago. I need to go try them out. I have been driving my car about every weekend. Done a LOT of racing latly. The nitrous is still a great rush and I have OWNED all the of imports I have raced witch is a lot! I have beat a few V8s also. Most of these cars I beat I was all motor! I even killed my friends Honda 400EX! Man he and a few other of my friends where talking trash about how I could not hang! :lol: :lol: He had never seen my six run before. He got me off the line a little(I was on the stock 13" hubbies) but after I hooked up and spraid it I came flying past him! :shock: Now that I think about it I have not lost a race in a while. That's a nice change! That car is too much fun! I think i am going to go drive it tonight. Well, thanks for letting me brag a little Doug. :lol:

BTW that oil pan RULES on your car! I want one bad! That guy is making all kinds of cool stuff for our little sixes. I want a billet valve cover for my 200. Maby he will make up some sometime.


While trying to finish building my garage and starting restoration of my '65 fastback (200 3spd) I've been gathering parts and ideas. So far I've got a T-5 and headers. My plans include 2.3 pinto rods (for a better rod length to stroke ratio), forged pistons, oil pan like yours, roller timing chain, fluid-damper, a fairly radical solid cam and a cross-flow head of some sort. I have some promising hybrid possibilities (I'll just say mystery head for now). If all goes well, maybe bye this summer it will be running.

Current project is looking out front window at my frozen Mustang wishing I had a garage. Then going to kitchen once an hour to make sure pipes arent frozen.

Actually Im trying to negotiate a cheap price on a 66 Mustang 200 I6 this guy has so I can rebuild that and throw the Oz head on it and install it in the spring.
Well Doug, lets just say I'm glad you didnt patent your engine ideas ! I'm basically doing a knock-off of your engine, except I adapted a 3.8L TBI onto the log. Also waiting for a mutual time my friend and I can get together to paint the car. Seems like now that I'm ready, no one has the time to do it. Oh well, a little winter left to take care of that.

P.S. The engine runs great with TBI, not sure if there is a performance increase, but it starts first turn of the key !

In L.A., there's no such thing as winter. :D

Right now finishing up some prep work on my Mustang for its new paint. I'm also looking for an 8" and a used T-5 while I await the delievery of my X-Flow. I'm probably only going to go with a mild cam and new exhaust for the Flow. 8)
Wish it was winter. I've shifted into a rental house and have sold my home for a few sheckles. Now my wife and I are looking for a two berth garage and bedrooms big enough for kids which are soon to be teenagers. Were busy doing tar seals, training new tecnicians and intalling a new tasking system at work. I'd love to be playing with my toys

In the basement of the new house are all my Cologne V6 parts (2.3 liter, not the better 2.6 or 2.8 German V6's which your Capri and Ranger/Explorer/Bronco II's ran :cry: ) , dual exhasts off my old non-turbo V6 Cortina and a four barrel RX 7 throttle body being set up for an alloy manifold adaptor. Having real issues with this one. My IHI RB6 single turboed Ford Cortina has been bluesey for a while and I'm looking real hard at the dollars of getting Hi-po parts for a rebuld. We have $NZ 300 fines for excess pollution on start up and wide open throttlw, but no state manadated sniffer test. I don't think it'll pass. After 19 owners and 126 000 miles, it may need more than valve stem seals! I've just taken it off the road. I love the way it revs, though, and even with a 3-speed auto it is bulk fun on the street!

My other little baby, my unfinished 1983 250 Alloy head Cross-flow destroker with welded Aussie 221 crank, 6.275 inch 3.3 Aussie XE Falcon rods, Yank AOD4 auto gearbox with steel adaptor, and 56 thou bore out for 229/305 Chevy pistons. Head is to run 1.88 inch 305 Chev valves, and two CA300 lpg carbs siamesed together on a # 2300 Holley 2-bbl carb free of the venturis. This is on a Weber ADM carby manifold. Have been looking at a turbo, but even on my income, there isn't enough budget to do it all. I've been thinking of doing this one up and shoving it into my Pinto-like Cortina. The dollars of non standard engines swaps scare the crap outa me. My wife an I have some other plans for the future, and it all has to fit in with our game plan!

So at the moment I'm still thinking. Henry Ford said that's the hardest work there is!
First, I just got my garage furnace working - hot air furnace from a mobile home, used, $50. Works great! Then, I started putting my roll cage in, still working on the supercharged engine (its at the shop).
As soon as COMP cams gets off of their arses and gets me my cam...this is what I'm doing:

Replacing engine block (old engine is out already)
COMP CAM 260H cam
Roller Lifters
Port/Polish head (done)
Larger Intake Valves
New Valve Springs
Offy 3-1V intake (mock up done)
T-5 tranny
Paint Engine compartment
Replace Engine wiring

I'm way behind...but the sub freezing weather hasn't been helping me get it fone.

Construction of my blasting cabinet begins this week. I've gathered all the parts, so it should be done in a week or so.

I've collected '98 spindles, '03 GT brakes and a Tempo rack in preparation of a FatMan conversion. However, since they've decided to double the price, I will not be purchasing it. In the meantime, I've acquired a set of earlier Fox-body camber plates and a set of late model struts and utilizing the stock lower arm, I'm going to mock things up to see how the geometry of it all looks. If that looks good, then I'll look at using either the Tempo/other rack in the rear position, or an MII/late model rack in the front position. Putting the rack in front interferes with the sway bar and strut rods, so there are things to be considered. Since my home-machine shop is coming together, I finally have the resources to push forward with this.

If none of this works out, I will gather up all of the parts I have been collecting over the last 2+ years to rebuild my front end and sell it all off and use it towards the purchase of a MII conversion.


It's amazing how much more school work I can handle when I don't have an "inline project" on my mind :wink:

I was forced to clean out an entire 5x10 storage unit full of old Ford stuff, drag off the Mustang, sell my Megasquirt, pack up my tools, and give my Maverick back to my cousin. I do still have a 200 BB and a 250 to figure out what to do with. For now, the focus is on making the new car and insurance payments for the Coug....

33 more hours after this session and I'll have my degree. I'll get back in the swing of things then. Later,
Trying to finish getting my GT/CS roadworthy again (carb adjustment and brake work is all she needs), and looking to start my LoCost 200 I6 project!

A six cylinder GT/CS must be pretty rare! I saw one in a magazine once, but I can't remember how many they said were produced. Just a handful, IIRC.
Yep, only about 130 total. 50ish with AT and 80 with the 3-speed. I think there are about 16 known to be surviving right now. I know that magazine article you refer to -- 1996 Mustang Monthly (June, I think). I have that magazine :)

Well, I started last month collecting parts for the re-conversion of my C4 back to 3 speed manual. I am planning on using a 3.03 trans that I got at a swap meet. By re-conversion, I mean that my 65 mustang convertible once had a 2.77 3 speed and somewhere in its life, someone converted it to the C4. The C4 is nice and all, but I want to get the car closer to it's roots without sacraficing tranny strength.

I have collected the following parts:
1. Clutch & Brake pedals
2. Z-bar, and all mounting hardware
3. 3.03 tranny
4. shifter rods and linkage - with one bar being incorrect.
5. 67 3 speed bell, clutch fork - which is wrong for my block - will sell/swap eventually

I need:
1. flywheel
2. Slip yoke
3. Clutch hardware - pressure plate, etc.
4. 2.77 bellhousing
5. adapter plate - Patience Al.

How about a 2.77 bell w/ 3.03 adapter plate modified for a cable-clutch conversion?

This is what has been going on since October to my 200:

*Installed Clifford dual outlet header
*Installed Weber 32/36 Carb
*Installed Duraspark Distributor
*Installed Tilt Steering Column from Flaming River

To Do
*Determining if I should install a dual exhaust with 2" or 2 1/4" outlet, or single exhaust with 2 1/4" outlet. Possibly with Dynomax Super Turbo mufflers.
*Paint engine and engine bay (really a early spring project, but I just can't wait!)

And that's about all my budget can take right now...