Engine Schoolin'

Hey all, thanks for the info! I sure appreciate it. I am also gonna follow the suggestion of a guy here and buy a old engine from the scrap yard and pull it apart a few times. If I can get some work related training out of the way, I plan on taking a mechanics course at the local jr. college as Positively Ralf suggested. They will teach me engine/transmission/axle rebuild & troubleshooting along with a few other things.
After you read up on engines and thier rebuilds I'd put a book about carbs next. They are a fairly simple bit of equipment, but if you don't know how they work you'll be in for a lot of hard learning. The book that taught me (and this was after my first carb rebuild) was about operation and rebuilding Holleys. Its in paperback and fairly cheap. Then you'll need a book about ignition systems...

As for engines, I was very luck in that the way I learned how motors worked was taking apart a junk lawn mower engine. I slowly took it apart and learned how all the stuff fitted and interacted. I still remember seeing a cam shaft and how it worked the first time. I was amazed!!!! Anyway, a lawn mower engine has all the same basic mechanical parts and a wonderful way to see how it all works.