
I have been looking around at fansand ratiators for my 67 mustang 200ci. Most fans that I come across have a CFM rating. Unfortunately I do not know the CFM rating for the original fan in my car is. Therefore I cant really determine whether or not a particular fan is better or worse than my original fan.

Does anyone know what the CFM rating is for my car? The fan has 4 blades.
Stick with a six blade fan in the 16" variety and you will get much better flow than the stock 4 blade....

I am using a 16" flexfan, some people like them and some don't. I happen to like mine a lot and it looks and sounds cool too.

If you are buying a new radiator and don't care about a pure stock appearance then get a 3 row radiator, I installed a 3 row radiator and flexfan last year and have had much better cooling on the system all around since then....

Hope this helps.