I have been having problems with my 200 (84,00 mi original) idling roughly and bogging down when being driven... I have tried numerous things including: Tune up - points, plugs, wires (X 2), distributor cap, rotor, vacuum diaphram. I rebuilt the carburator and installed a new coil. A friend helped me check compression and he said it was within specs @ 35 psi. I have an inductive timing light and noticed today that I couldn't get the bulb to flash on either cylinder 1 or 2 while the engine was running... I pulled both plugs and they seemed to be soaked in oil... cleaned them up and reinstalled then fired it up... it ran fine for about a minute or maybe two then went back to rough idle... the timing light lit immediately after fire up but soon quit again... am I looking at bad rings and a possile engine rebuild here?