Well-known member
Hey Andrew, that was my exact thought, and the only one that makes sense. Your right, they do sell the 38 weber for different car models and makers depending on the type and size engine. When I received my 38 weber and HEI distributor I was planning on swapping both of them with my son. I'm pretty sure I I'll have a few questions during the install, so I hope you don't mind if I reach out to you along with a few others on the forum that offered assistance that have done the swap themselves successfully.Hey Jeff,
Yes the Weber down draft carbs have been swapped onto thousands of different engines over the years. I swapped one from a Cortina 1600 engine to my 2 liter BMW a lifetime ago and it just worked after adjusting the idle mixture. It was a major upgrade from the factory carb. They were kind of the go-to carb for small engines back in the day.
If I understand the Clifford/Redline kits correctly, they sell them for a bunch of different engines and the one they sell for the Ford 200 is specific for the Ford 200. I think they jet them specifically to work with the engine the kit is sold for. I would check with them to be sure. I’m just speaking from the experience I had with mine.
Yes, I only needed to change the idle jets from #55 to #60 and adjust the idle mixture. Oh, and the idle speed screw which I think is about 3/4 of a turn in now.
If you get a 38/38, you will more than likely need to fine tune the idle mixture adjustments. That’s pretty typical for a carburetor. The stock settings will get you into the ball park but depending on your engine or things like altitude, you’ll need to fine tune.
Here is a good setup description. That page only talks about one idle mixture screw so don’t forget there are two idle mixture screws because the 38/38 is a 2-barrel carb: http://www.redlineweber.com/html/Tech/38_dgas_tunning.htm
Thank you for helping me clarify thing on the Weber and your advice about the HEI distributor.
I hope you have a great Christmas/ Holiday.