weber 38 tuning ??

I just installed the weber 38 and got it running pretty well, but I'm still having two little problems: hard starting and a stumble at tip-in.

First, the stumble. From idle, the initial application of the throttle causes a stumble, and sometimes kills the engine. If I floor it, i'm fine, but if I start gently it stumbles.

Second, hard starting. When at operating temprature it's really hard to start the car. I have to crank and crank and then floor the accelerator and rev the engine when it starts, not good.

I tuned the carb using the standard "lean best idle adjustment". This put the idle mix screws out two full turns, and 1/2 turn in on the idle speed screw. Any suggestions?
The weber 38's come with 45 idle jets and that is way too lean as evidenced with your two turns plus on the mixture. I have done dozens of these conversions and found that 200's like 65 idle jets and a turn and a half on the mixture. If it lopes give it an extra quarter turn and it should smooth out. When you give it too many turns on the idle speed You are actually cracking the throttle blades which is making the carb transition to the main circuit giving it extra fuel. The idle jets are in front and in back of the carb. you can remove them by unscrewing the brass screw and pulling the jet out of it.